Friday, May 30, 2014

El bilingüismo

  • I feel that being bilingual has many advantages for example, Being able to learn new words easier, being able to meet new people from different cultural backgrounds, getting better paying jobs , and a better opportunity at getting a job rather than someone who only speaks one language. I feel that being Bilingual has helped me a lot and can only help me more in the future.
  • Being Bilingual you have many advantages for example, New York Times made an article on the Benefits of being Bilingual and why Bilingual people are smarter than the average one language speaking person. In that article it says that scientists have recently begun to show that the benefits of being Bilingual are even more fundamental than being able to converse with a wider range of people, They said "Being Bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter." Being Bilingual can have a profound effect on your brain.

  • Career options you might be interested in that would be open to you because you are bilingual
  • When I go to college I plan on studying Business, once I graduate from studying this, if I speak two languages than I could communicate with more people therefore, they would pick me rather than someone who only speak one language. In business, you have to communicate with a lot of people, therefore it is better to know many languages so that you can communicate with more people and have them buy you're products.
  • Share if you speak more than two languages
  • Whether you have a desire to learn more languages
  • Heres the link to one of the videos Señora Rossell showed us in class: An Interview with the UKs most multilingual Student

Aura Book Critique

I just finished reading the book Aura by Carlos Fuentes for my spanish class. Here are some reviews that I found interesting:

Aura: Overview by Janet Pérez:

Aura and its Precedents in Fuentes's Earlier Works by Gloria B. Durán:

Carlos Fuentes’ Aura: A Window into another Reality by Raphael Comprone:
        My favorite and most interesting was the review by Gloria B Durá, Second favorite was the overview by Janet Perez because it is not that long and gets to the point, My least favorite was Raphael Comprone`s “A window into another Reality”, The title is very catchy and makes plenty of sense with the book.

Here in my review of the book:
Me relaciono con el libro Aura porque yo me he enamorado de una chica igual que Felipe hizo con Aura, pero mi chica es normal ja ja ja. Yo no recomendaría el libro Aura porque se pone un poco confuso a veces, por que salta alrededor demasiado. Sin embargo, si te gusta la brujería entonces yo recomendaría este libro para usted, ya que tiene un montón de brujería en el. Si te gusta leer libros de misterio, entonces este es un buen libro para leer. Felipe es mi personaje favorito porque es muy macho y vivía en una casa de brujería. " Usted está leyendo el anuncio: una oferta como esta no se hace todos los días. Usted lo leyó y releyó ella. Parece estar dirigida a usted y nadie más ". (3)